BIOGRAFIA Y ESTATEMENTPedro Miguel Ortiz Guerrero

" Toda la historia pertenece al dominio de la mente ensoñando el ayer, todo el futuro pertenece al dominio de la mente ensoñando en mañana. Somos queramos o no el espacio sin tiempo del momento presente. Desconocerlo nos perderá irrevocablemente en la agonía del ayer con -su penosa carga de sucesos- o en las frustrantes ensoñaciones del mañana. Ahora somos los hombres del destino, Estamos a punto de alcanzar la madurez, y la edad de la Razón. Somos los ancestros, somos la humanidad dispuesta a crear una mas sapiente, incluyente, saludable y pacifica comunidad: familiar, local y mundial. Por supuesto desde las bellas artes visuales que siempre han demostrado su poder aglutinante en la construcción de la identidad consensual..”
Pedro Miguel Ortiz Guerrero (MIGÓR),
"El expresionismo resulto ser el punto de partida, para un viaje extenso a través de las artes como modos de figuración de la realidad concreta; involucra en el signo estético lo bello y lo sensible, lo icónico y analógico a la vez (hermenéutica de la imagen). Encontrar el estilo determina fronteras conceptuales permite expresar códigos lógicos (simbólicos) y estéticos. Al aproximarse a lo abstracto pero aun ligeramente distante de el; abandona la ¨sensibillia¨ para integrar la ¨inteligibillia¨.
Busco a través de la imagen en el horizonte del mito fundacional; la construcción de mapas antropológicos; articulados doblemente en sus significados y significantes; en función del mas prístino interés de la expresión ontológica, de la verdad, la bondad y la belleza.¨

Pedro Miguel Ortiz Guerrero

Birthplace: Bucaramanga (Colombia) in 1953.
1969: School of Fine Arts of Bucaramanga. Major in Artistic Drawing. Instructor: Maestro Humberto Delgado..
1969-1980: Sporadic attendance Maestro Segundo A. Gelviz’s studio. Constumbrist scenes and landscapes applying palette knife techniques.
1977-1978:Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS, Campus at Bucaramanga. Oil and watercolor painting imparted by Maestro Martin Quintero Pacheco; Art History imparted by by Maestro Aurora Bueno.
1982-1985.Allan Patterson’s sculpture studio.
2010: Diploma course on Culture Management and Administration. Bucaramanga
2010: 2nd Forum on Indigenous Heritage and Patrimony, Casa del Libro Total Regional Cultural House. Bucaramanga.
2012: 3rd Forum on Indigenous Heritage and Patrimony. Casa del Libro Total. Exhibition of illustrated research and oil paintings on canvas. Culture anthropology account about the Guane tribe, an extinct pre-Columbian indigenous group, and exhibition of Xerirense cave painting.

"History belongs to the domain of mind evoking the past. Future belongs to the domain of mind dreaming about tomorrow. Regardless of our will, we are a space without time in this present instant. Ignoring this fact shall send us irrevokebly to the agony of the past, with all that related painful burden of events or shall send us to frustrating dreams about tomorrow. We are currently beings of destiny on the brink of reaching maturity, that is, our Age of Reason. At the same time, we are ancesters, human beings who are wiling to create a wiser, more involving community that is healthier and more peaceful at family, local, and world levels. We create such community from the field of visual Fine Arts since it has always demonstrated its agglutinating power in the construction of consensing identity.
Pedro Miguel Ortiz Guerrero (MIGOR),
"Expressionism became the starting point of a long journey through arts as a means for capturing concrete realities. It incorporates iconic and analogical images, beauty, and sensibility into esthetics (image hermeneutics). Finding style determines concept borders and allows the expression of logical (symbolic) and esthetic codes. While approaching abstract issues and keeping slightly distant from them, my work abandons sensibillia to integrate inteligibilllia.
The objective of my quest through images located in the foundational myth horizon is the construction of anthropological maps that are articulated at both their meaning and to-be-meant levels always in function of the most pristine interest for ontological expression, truth, kindness, and beauty¨.

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